This is a handcrafted only, juried show
Applications open - Apply today!
Application approval process
Applications will be checked daily with first come, first served during our approval process, meaning that if you are selected by the jury, the As this is a juried show with a focus on variety for our patrons, we have limited spaces for each discipline (typically no more than 3 spaces for each discipline i.e. jewellery, pottery, etc) based on the size of this show. This has the served Creative Spark Winter Market well. Our patron surveys reveal this is the number reason they enjoy the show: quality and variety.
The Venue
Dublin St. United Church, 68 Suffolk St. W., Guelph (near Downtown)
Booth information and requirements
The gym is organized with twenty-six (26) 6' table spaces and the adjacent room holds an additional seven (7) 6' table spaces. All traffic is directed through the venue by our savvy volunteers and venue signage posted throughout. Equal opportunity for ALL vendors. Pre-recorded and Live music will be streamed throughout both rooms to set the tone for holiday shopping. Public Health compliance The venue reserves the right set the guidelines for the space beyond what the local health unit requires. |